Visit the top two sites in Buenos Aires together —Plaza de Mayo & Recoleta Cemetery— and save US $2 off the separate purchase price!
Start your day
First visit Plaza de Mayo. It only occupies the equivalent of two city blocks, but there isn’t a more important public space in the city or even the nation. Site of the second foundation of Buenos Aires, Plaza de Mayo has witnessed cries for independence, civil strife, waves of immigration, Perón-inspired fervor & more than a few popular protests in recent years. There’s no place better to see the city’s past & present.

Afternoon stroll
After a relaxing lunch, head to Recoleta Cemetery… by this time basking in late afternoon sun. The walk focuses on art & architecture, a number of important historical events, a bit of urban legend & of course the cemetery’s most famous resident. Eva María Duarte de Perón —simply Evita to her devotées— had a bizarre post-mortem journey which is described at length. After seeing the nation’s beginnings in Plaza de Mayo, Recoleta Cemetery shows just how glorious an ending can be.

Unique content
For specifics of each individual walk & more detailed descriptions of sites to be seen, visit the Plaza de Mayo page & the Recoleta Cemetery page. Have fun & enjoy the best of Buenos Aires!
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- Format: PDF, A5 portrait. Recoleta Cemetery guide has 60 pages (8.1 Mb), & the Plaza de Mayo guide is 77 pages (7 Mb). Designed for digital viewing. This guide may not be redistributed or resold.
- Duration: Plaza de Mayo takes about 3 hours to see everything at a leisurely pace & should be visited first. More time will be needed to visit museums. Recoleta Cemetery takes around 2 hours. Remember it closes as 18:00, so plan accordingly.
- Price: US $9.99 via PayPal (taxes included). Purchasing each walk separately would cost US $5.99 each, so the combo represents a discount of US $1.99. Click “return to merchant” to download each PDF file after payment is confirmed. A thank-you email will also be sent with our contact information if you need assistance.
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