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buenos aires: ciae & swiss holding companies

Paris, Éclairage par l'électricité, Compagnie Continentale Edison

The 1881 Exposition Universelle in Paris wowed crowds with telephone-transmitted concerts from the Opéra & a demonstration of Edison’s recent improvement of an old idea: the incandescent light bulb. Edison carefully guarded the 1879 patent of the light bulb & only allowed the Compagnie Continentale Edison to diffuse his device in France… some of the original access panels in Paris can occasionally be found [photo above]. Licensing agreements were also given to two German entrepreneurs: Werner von Siemens & Emil Rathenau. Rathenau established the Deutsche Edison Gesellschaft, later reorganized in 1887 as the Allgemeine Elektrizitats-Gesellschaft (AEG). As mentioned in the previous post, the AEG would play an important role in bringing electricity to Buenos Aires.

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buenos aires: ciae, precedent & foundation

[Some material for the following series of posts originally published as “unexpected eagles” on 14 Jul 2007, “more ciae goodness” on 30 Oct 2007, “superpower” on 29 Dec 2007, “inside the kavanagh 2” on 15 Mar 2008, “usina de la música” on 17 Jun 2008… the CIAE was obviously a recurring blog topic. This series is an amalgam & significant expansion of original content.]

electric lighting, Buenos Aires
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