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we can take forever just a minute at a time

Last night I was just about to turn in when I picked up the cable guide. Something I never do. To my surprise, Saturday Night Fever had just started on I-Sat. What the heck. It had probably been 15 years since I had watched it the entire way through. It will be another 15 before I sit through it again.

Not that the movie was horrible. In fact, there were some magical moments. Spin me around, Tony. & who can forget a soundtrack like that? But it belongs to that genre of movies where someone wants to film a trend & writes a lame script to surround the fad. Think: Breakin’.

Anyway, great filming of the disco (from floor level), realistic dialog (they allowed the word “pussy” onscreen back then?!), & of course the dance scenes make it worth seeing every decade or so. Just to remind ourselves that Travolta can’t really act but knows that you gotta get up to get down.

[[A little lo-fi nostalgia… original content from Line of Sight, reposted in 2024 to commemorate 20 years of blogging. Learn more.]

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