I finally got back home on Sunday… something like 24 hours total to get from San Sebastián to Buenos Aires. I guess it’s not that bad, but it felt nasty.
The real news is: I now have residency in Argentina!!! So for the next two years, I’m perfectly legal. None of that leaving-every-90-days crap. And the best thing is that I can get a DNI (identity card) with which: I can vote (amazingly enough), open a bank account (why would I do that?), & be like everyone else. Sometimes it’s nice to fit in 🙂

It may not look very official, but these two sheets of paper are now the most valuable things I own. Yippee.
[A little lo-fi nostalgia… original content from Line of Sight, reposted in 2024 to commemorate 20 years of blogging. Learn more.]