Things have changed so often over the last three months that I couldn’t keep up. My apologies to friends who had trouble as well! It’s official: there will be no move to Montevideo… it’s Esquel for sure. Well, as sure as anything can be. Trips to Serbia & Poland are canceled, no time for Jordan & Israel either, but I get to go to Paris instead plus spend lots of time in the Basque Country. Can’t complain about that.
I’ve been busy the past week confirming dates & purchasing flights. While I’ve made progress, arranging three months of travel is always insane. Hopefully I’ll have time to write about my experiences along the way, but the reality is that work comes first. If I disappear from the internet from May to July, know I’m alive & well. Here’s where I’ll be…
Part 1: Guidebook Research
For anyone who thinks updating a guidebook is easy, just look at all the places I will check out in 2 weeks! Museum, hotels, restaurants, maps —everything… difficult but also lots of fun. After flying from Buenos Aires to Paris, I’ll have a day to adjust & hang out with my friend & expert in all things français, Kristen. Then take the TGV to Biarritz, a bus to Bilbao & work begins. Really looking forward to it.
Part 2: My Way: Spain, tour 1
I’m guiding tours again too! Well, this isn’t the fully-guided Spain tour… I’m basically along as a resource & coordinator for a bunch of independent travelers. Much like an old version of the Spain BB&B tour from way back when. It will be super nice to reconnect with everyone along the way.
Part 3: Conference with Darío + time off
Then it’s time to relax a bit. Off to Madrid to meet Darío at the airport & take a bus to Miraflores where he’s participating in a conference. Me, I’ll be sleeping 🙂 Then we’re both off to Lisboa… of course.
Part 4: My Way: Spain, tour 2
Repeat Part 2 but with a new group.
Part 5: Time off + UK
Darío’s final Ph.D. defense takes place in July. I’m going for moral support although, honestly, he doesn’t need it. He’s that good 🙂 But I get to spend a couple of weeks in the UK, hopefully meet friends in London & stock up on goodies at Sainsbury’s.
The way return flights worked out, we’ll have a single night to spend in Buenos Aires before heading to Esquel. That’s right: next month I’ll be packing everything before heading to Europe. More craziness. In September & October, I have two more tours & will head back to Spain again then. But put the next three months together & it looks like this!! Wish me luck.
The biggest dilemma though is: should I take Ursula along???